Tuesday, December 18, 2007

The diffidence of the 70s (Part 6).

The today's posting ist the last one I will do in this year.
I wish you all a Merry Christmas an a Happy New Year!

Now to the music: Today I present you a song, which was written by the Austrian priest Joseph Mohr (lyrics) in 1816 and the Austrian organist Franz Xaver Gruber (melody) on the Christmas day in 1818. The fact seems assured that the song was first played on the composing day, because the organ was broken, and it was quickly needed to create a melody, which was easy to play on the guitar. Later, in 1833, some Austrian organ builders were playing different melodies from their home country in the German city of Leipzig, and in doing so, this special melody was taken notice from the audience, and so this one took a successful triumphal procession arond the world.
In the mid 70s (of the 20th century) ;) a german band, which I really, really like (sadly the splitted up in the late 80s), did their very own (instrumental) version of that tune. As far as I know it only was released as a 'stand alone' single, never been on an album or on a compilation, or ever released digital, which really is a pity. On the other hand it's a wonderful acoustic gem, almost forgotten but revived now on the world wide web! I myself laid my hands on this song softly to give everyone an easy listening (hopefully) to the extended version. ENJOY! Floyd Anderson.

Here is the info:

CAN - Silent Night (chronovisor mix v1.0) [1976]
music file

Wednesday, December 12, 2007

The diffidence of the 70s (Part 5).

Heute feiere ich meinen 41. Geburtstag und der music.blog seinen 1. Jahrestag seit seinem Bestehen. Schon richtig, dass das erste Posting erst im Februar dieses Jahres stattgefunden hat; das wird natuerlich gesondert gefeiert.
Aber was waere ein Geburtstag ohne Geburtstagslied, und das Folgende ist wohl das Beste, was man finden kann. Ich jedenfalls wuensche mir weiterhin viele Besucher hier im blog und viel mehr Rueckmeldungen als bisher. In diesem Sinne wuensche ich allen noch sehr viel Spass mit diesem music.blog fuer die Zukunft!

Today I celebrate my birthday no. 41 and the music.blog the anniversary no. 1 since establishing. It's right that the first posting was made in February; this of course will celebrated seperately.
But what is a birthday without a birthday song? Nothing. And this one is the best one I was able to find. So I wish myself furthermore many visitors of this blog and much more comments than yet. In this spirit I wish you all much fun with this music.blog in the future!


Floyd Anderson.

|cv| <--- chronovisor.

Hier ist die Info:
Here is the info:

STEVIE WONDER - 'Happy Birthday' (12" version) [1980]
music file

Monday, December 10, 2007

The decadence of the 80s (Part 25).

Today I present you a band which is one of the most innovative ones of the 80s IMHO; thank god, they still are creative, oh yes, thank god. They all are from England, where all the good music seems to come from. :-) And no worries, later I will present you all much more of this fantastic audio (and video) experimental project, so do I call them.
The todays song only was released on vinyl as far as I know, and I (and surely not me only) still am waiting for a release of all b-sides and not yet released material they must have tons of.
So I had to help myself to give respect to one of those b-sides, and let you all know, what I have done with it; I only had given an extended revival to the most impressive b-side song of this band in the world wide web. So listen, learn and ENJOY! Floyd Anderson.

Here is the info:

THE ART OF NOISE - 'Hoops And Mallets' (chronovisor mix v1.0) [1985]
music file

Sunday, December 09, 2007

The relevance of the 00s (Part 5).

Eigentlich habe ich mir ja vorgenommen im Dezember etwas weniger zu machen; mal sehen, ob ich das durch halte. Es sind schon einige Dinge vorbereitet, aber die kommen erst etwas spaeter in diesem Monat.
In diesen Tagen ist mir ein DJ aus Schweden untergekommen, der auch schon fuer das schwedische minimal trance Label 'Kaliber' gearbeitet hat, welches hier schon mal vorgekommen ist (nur fuer aufmerksamste blogger) und seit 2002 unter seinem eigenen Namen recht erfolgreich ist. Musikalisch wertvoll ist diese Art von Musik tatsaechlich nicht, aber man stelle sich vor, mit etlichen Watt im Club rausgepowert, animiert es doch zu rhythmischer Bewegung, wie ich meine (tanzen werden einige dazu sagen - aber lassen wir das).
Die heutige Geschichte (minimal trance - ich liebe es irgendwie!) :-) hat keinen besonderen Hintergrund, es ist ein 'Schnellschuss Projekt', eine spontane Eingebung, und das kommt bei mir einige mal im Jahr vor. Also bitte, sich einfach freuen und sich auf etwas einlassen. ENJOY! Floyd Anderson.

Hier ist die Info:

JOHN DAHLBÄCK - 'Blink' (chronovisor mix v1.0) [2007]
music file