Tuesday, December 18, 2007

The diffidence of the 70s (Part 6).

The today's posting ist the last one I will do in this year.
I wish you all a Merry Christmas an a Happy New Year!

Now to the music: Today I present you a song, which was written by the Austrian priest Joseph Mohr (lyrics) in 1816 and the Austrian organist Franz Xaver Gruber (melody) on the Christmas day in 1818. The fact seems assured that the song was first played on the composing day, because the organ was broken, and it was quickly needed to create a melody, which was easy to play on the guitar. Later, in 1833, some Austrian organ builders were playing different melodies from their home country in the German city of Leipzig, and in doing so, this special melody was taken notice from the audience, and so this one took a successful triumphal procession arond the world.
In the mid 70s (of the 20th century) ;) a german band, which I really, really like (sadly the splitted up in the late 80s), did their very own (instrumental) version of that tune. As far as I know it only was released as a 'stand alone' single, never been on an album or on a compilation, or ever released digital, which really is a pity. On the other hand it's a wonderful acoustic gem, almost forgotten but revived now on the world wide web! I myself laid my hands on this song softly to give everyone an easy listening (hopefully) to the extended version. ENJOY! Floyd Anderson.

Here is the info:

CAN - Silent Night (chronovisor mix v1.0) [1976]
music file


DreamTime said...

you are a sick man, Charlie Brown!

very nice!

Frohe Weihnachten & einen Guten Rutsch!

Floyd Anderson / chronovisor said...


Charlie Brown ist in the town! :-)

