Der heutige 'chronovisor mix' hat viel mit Zufall zu tun. Zufaellig war ich Anfang dieses Jahres dazu in der Lage die komplette CD-Discographie dieser Gruppe zu erlangen. Zufaellig fand ich dieser Tage im world wide web eine inoffizielle Veroeffentlichung der Intrumentalversion dieses heute vorgestellten Tracks, der es im Original noch nicht einmal zu einer Auskoppelung gebracht hatte (ein 2007er 12" release, unbemerkt von der Oeffentlichkeit sozusagen). Und schließlich wusste ich rein zufaellig, dass diese Gruppe, welche uebrigens schon 1964 (!) ihre erste LP veroeffentlichte, diesen Song zwei Jahre spaeter mit veraendertem Text neu einspielte. Das alles zusammen - und ein massiv-kreativer Energieschub - veranlasste mich, insgesamt vier Mixe aus den mir nun drei bekannten Versionen zu machen. Zwei dieser Mixe sind Uebergangsversionen, die vielleicht spaeter einmal in die Internetfreiheit entlassen werden. Die anderen zwei Mixe sind endproduziert, und dazu wuensche ich viel Vergnuegen. ENJOY! Floyd Anderson.
Hier ist die Info:
THE ROLLING STONES - Dance (If I Was A Dancer) (chronovisor mix v1.0) [1979]
music file
THE ROLLING STONES - Dance (If I Was A Dancer) (chronovisor mix v4.0) [1979]
music file
Monday, September 24, 2007
Thursday, September 20, 2007
The decadence of the 80s (Part 17).
Folks, get this one! BENNY ANDERSSON and BJOERN ULVAEUS, the former male members of a one decade successful music group from Sweden, produced the todays tune, which is appearing on a musical that was released also succesful two years after they were splitting up their band. I'm pretty sure that they began writing on it while the band still did exist. Anyway, this cracking track I found in three different versions released, and none of them I did like really. So I made myself some thoughts, and finally, this is the result. ENJOY! Floyd Anderson.
Here is the info:
MURRAY HEAD - One Night In Bangkok (chronovisor mix v1.0) [1984]
music file
Here is the info:
MURRAY HEAD - One Night In Bangkok (chronovisor mix v1.0) [1984]
music file
Sunday, September 16, 2007
The decadence of the 80s (Part 16).
A few postings before I presented you a band from Sheffield/UK, which started making music in 1977 and surprisingly had a hit single one year later, which still got an airplay all over the world. It's a pity, I wrote, that the band changed their music style in the 80s, although they where commercially successful with it. Interestingly there was one special song attracking my attention in the early 80s, but I was irritated that I couldn't find it on any LP. After researching a while I guess right to find it on the reverse side of a single, and that was rather surprising to me. Without further ado I decided to make an extended version of that tune, after I luckily found the dub version. So here is the result, as simple as can be. ENJOY! Floyd Anderson.
Here is the info:
THE HUMAN LEAGUE - You Remind Me Of Gold (chronovisor mix v1.0) [1982]
music file
Here is the info:
THE HUMAN LEAGUE - You Remind Me Of Gold (chronovisor mix v1.0) [1982]
music file
Monday, September 10, 2007
The ignorance of the 90s (Part 9).
Dass es im Drum'n'Bass Bereich auch ausgesprochen gute Musik gibt, beweisst der heutige Track. Ich bezeichne so etwas auch gerne mal als "artificial intelligent music". An diesem Lied hat mich so ziemlich alles fasziniert, damals, als es veroeffentlicht wurde; der dichte Klangteppich, der so frische Drum'n'Bass Rhythmus, welchen ja CIFFORD PRICE aka. GOLDIE zwei Jahre zuvor erstmals in die Charts brachte, das verstoerende Video mit der so ueberzeugenden Protagonistin KATHERINE MATILDA SWINTON aus Schottland und dem so sehr dazupassenden Gesang von GRANT FULTON und der geheimnisvollen ALISON GOLDFRAPP (hoppla, da klingelt's wohl bei manchen, wie?). Und dass hier ueberhaupt gesungen wird? Jaja, so ist's, wartet nur ab. Alles in allem ist es ein Meilenstein in den 90ern fuer mich, da lag es nur nahe, mich mit diesem Stueck irgendwann einmal zu beschaeftigen. Hier nun ist das Resultat. Dazu wurden die drei bekanntesten Versionen verwendet. ENJOY! Floyd Anderson.
Hier ist die Info:
ORBITAL - The Box (chronovisor mix v1.0) [1996]
music file
Hier ist die Info:
ORBITAL - The Box (chronovisor mix v1.0) [1996]
music file
Tuesday, September 04, 2007
A collaboration experiment (Part 4).
MIKE CLEVELAND is a dilettanteish genius! He created one hookline and wrote three songs of it which were all well known. And he recruits two famous female voices named RÉJANE 'REGGIE' MAGLOIRE and ROSE MARIE RAMSEY to let it sound perfect. One of these tracks was a singles chart hit back in those days of the early 80s, and it still is played in the discotheques. I wonder why the two LP releases of that band never saw the daylight as a CD re-release. And no one, as far as I know, had the idea to collaborate that earwormish hookline. So again it's me, myself and I :-) to give these tunes a revival in the world wide web as a megamix, and you know what? It's a very special pleasure to me. ENJOY! Floyd Anderson.
Here is the info:
This mashup contents the following songs all from the same LP:
INDEEP - When Boys Talk
INDEEP - Buffalo Bill
INDEEP - Last Night A D.J. Saved My Life
INDEEP - When Buffalo Bill Talks He Saves My Life - Collaboration (chronovisor mix) [1983]
music file
Here is the info:
This mashup contents the following songs all from the same LP:
INDEEP - When Boys Talk
INDEEP - Buffalo Bill
INDEEP - Last Night A D.J. Saved My Life
INDEEP - When Buffalo Bill Talks He Saves My Life - Collaboration (chronovisor mix) [1983]
music file
Saturday, September 01, 2007
The relevance of the 00s (Part 4).
One of my favourite minimal music composer and artist will be presented here today. This kind of music combines minimal electronic rhythm with sound loops I never heard before. On his first album are two "sistersongs" I "melted" together to one song because they fit so perfect and the character of the tunes are "siamese". That's what I call AIM, artificial intelligent music. ENJOY! Floyd Anderson.
Here is the info:
JAN JELINEK - They Them Their (chronovisor mix v1.0) [2001]
music file
Here is the info:
JAN JELINEK - They Them Their (chronovisor mix v1.0) [2001]
music file
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