Thursday, February 07, 2008

The ignorance of the 90s (Part 12).

Today it's 10 years gone, when one of the most famous artists that my home country Austria ever had (in the 20th century), tragically died after he had a car accident. He left so much good material, which wasn't released 'til he lived, so we are all can be pleased to get a brand new released live performance he did back in 1993. It's one of only two concerts of him, which ever were recorded, and this special one is the only one he did with a band AND a symphonic orchestra!
The bandleader back in those days, THOMAS RABITSCH, and many other people, were working very hard over one year to reconstruct the recordings to bring it to that brilliancy that you almost could think to be live at the gig. I now have the honour to bring you one peace of music from this very best gig he ever did! I added the short reprise to the original to get the final lenght. So please, do me a favour, close your eyes, listen and ENJOY! Floyd Anderson.

Here is the info:

'Helden Von Heute (symphonic live version)'
(chronovisor mix)
music file


Cygnet Committee said...

Hey Floyd! Interesting track. Apart from Amadeus, Vienna Calling and Der Kommissar, I'm afraid I know very little of Falco. I did know that he passed away quite a while back and I remember seeing the Amadeus music video on TV as a kid!

Floyd Anderson / chronovisor said...

Hi Sister Cygnet!

Nice posting, thanks!
Well I have a huge collection of FALCO tunes, and the most of them I do really like. I thought to send you a kinda 'my own privat collection', but there's so much to get in the www, you should be able to find something for yourself.
At last, have a look at the blog in the next few days, could be interesting for you, and at the end of March you'll get an interesting pre-information at your private mail box.

Cheers for now!
